2022年 第2期
市域快速轨道交通规划实施分析 ——以广州都市圈为例

文章编号: 1672-5328(2022)02-0053-06


摘要: 市域快速轨道交通(以下简称“市域快轨”)的规划布局和运营模式选择对其运输效率和客流 效益影响显著。在对市域快轨发展特点和规划布局要点进行总结分析的基础上,以广州都市圈为 例,对典型市域快轨线路的规划设计和运营效果进行研究。将已建成开通的广州都市圈市域快轨线 路归纳为大站快线和快慢车组合两种典型模式。采用大站快线模式的线路时空效率优势明显,客流 效益显著;此类线路应结合沿线规划分析客流发展潜力,系统选型和运营规模需具备一定的前瞻 性。采用快慢车组合模式的线路其快车的时间节省效果明显,平均运距长,收益显著;此类线路在 规划设计阶段应预留快慢车开行比例、快车越行车站等灵活调整的条件,以应对乘客出行需求的动 态变化。

关键词: 城市轨道交通;市域快轨;大站快线模式;快慢车组合模式;广州都市圈

中图分类号: U491.1+2


Implementation of Urban Rapid Rail Transit Planning: Case Study of Guangzhou Metropolitan Area

CAI Hanzhe, SUN Yuanguang,WANG Fangling
(Guangzhou Metro Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Guangdong 510010, China)

Abstract: The planning layout and operation mode of urban rapid rail transit have significant impact on its transportation efficiency and passenger volume. Based on an analysis of development characteristics and planning principles of urban rapid rail transit, this paper presents the planning, design, and operational performance of typical routes in the Guangzhou metropolitan area. In this paper the Guangzhou urban rapid rail transit lines are classified into two typical modes: express rail with large station spacing and combined operation of rapid and local trains. The former mode has significant advantages of high temporal-spatial efficiency and remarkable passenger volume benefits. The potential passenger flow of such routes should be analyzed with land use planning to ensure flexible system selection and sufficient operational capacity. The latter mode has significant time-saving operation with long average travel distance and substantial benefits. For such routes, flexible adjustment in operation, such as distribution of rapid and local trains and arrangement of express overtaking stations, should be allowed in the planning and design phase to address dynamic changes in travel demand.

Keywords: urban rail transit; urban rapid rail transit; express rail with large station spacing; combined operation of rapid and local train; Guangzhou Metropolitan Area