2022年 第6期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2022)06-0009-12

刘影1, 3,郭莉2,刘倩3
(1. 深圳市龙岗区重点区域规划建设管理署,广东深圳518116;2. 深圳市规划国土发展研究中心,广东深圳 518034;3.深圳大学建筑与城市规划学院,广东深圳518057)

摘要: 分析公共交通乘客的出行特征,有助于优化公共交通供给和服务。利用深圳市2015 年和 2017 年各一周的公共交通刷卡数据和公共汽电车GPS数据,识别乘客日常所选公共交通方式和出行 频次。据此将公共交通乘客划分为公共交通依赖和非公共交通依赖两大类;前者可划分为公共汽电 车依赖、城市轨道交通依赖和混乘依赖三种,其中混乘依赖又细分为换乘依赖和早晚异乘依赖。对 公共交通依赖人群进行出行特征分析,得出如下结论:1)通勤乘客跨区出行特征明显;2)地理空间 上,公共交通依赖与非公共交通依赖人群具有明显的居住空间分异现象,且公共交通依赖人群的中 短距离郊区化迁居特征明显;3)随着城市轨道交通的扩张,公共汽电车依赖与城市轨道交通依赖人 数此消彼长;4)公共汽电车的比较优势体现在时间和空间层面对城市轨道交通可达性的补充。

关键词: 公共交通;依赖性;刷卡数据;居住空间分异;时空演变

中图分类号: U491.1+7


Travel Characteristics of Public Transit Dependent Passengers

LIU Ying1, 3, GUO Li2, LIU Qian3
(1. Shenzhen Longgang District Key Regional Planning and Construction Administration, Shenzhen Guangdong 518116, China; 2. Shenzhen Urban Planning and Land Resource Research Center, Shenzhen Guangdong 518034, China; 3. School of Architecture and Urban Planning of Shenzhen University, Shenzhen Guangdong 518057, China)

Abstract: Analyzing travel characteristics of public transit passengers is helpful to improve the supply and service of public transit. With smart IC card data and bus vehicles' GPS in Shenzhen within two weeks in 2015 and 2017, this paper identified the passengers' daily preferred public transit modes and travel frequency. On such basis, the paper divided public transit passengers into two types: public transit dependence and non-dependence. The former covers passengers relying on buses, urban rail transit, and mixed modes. Specifically, mixed modes dependence are subdivided into transfer dependence and morning/evening different modes dependence. Then, the travel characteristics of public transit dependent passengers are analyzed and concluded as follows. Firstly, the travel characteristics of commuting between regions are significant. Secondly, when it comes to spatial distribution, both public transit dependent and non-dependent passengers demonstrate an obvious trend of job-housing mismatch. Meanwhile, it can be observed that public transit dependent passengers would choose their living places within a medium and short distance of working places. Thirdly, as urban rail transit expands, the number of passengers that rely on buses would decrease, as well as those who rely on urban rail transit would increase. Fourthly, the advantages of buses are reflected in the supplement of urban rail transit accessibility in time and space.

Keywords: public transit; dependency; IC card data; job-housing mismatch; spatial heterogeneity