2009年 第6期



摘要:针对新加坡交通发展面临 的挑战,介绍了新加坡减少汽车使 用量和增加公共交通使用量的一 体化交通政策,以及限制车辆拥有 和管理道路使用的交通需求管理 框架。重点分析了两个典型的交 通需求管理策略:限制区域执照系 统和公路收费系统,探讨了两个系 统的目标、运作、实施效果,并将其 与其他城市的公路收费系统进行 对比。研究显示,以需求管理为导 向的一体化交通政策有效地解决 了新加坡交通拥堵问题,对新加坡 的经济、环境和社会的可持续发展 产生了积极影响。

关键词:交通管理;可持续交通;交 通需求管理;公路电子收费;车辆 配额系统;一体化交通政策



Singapore Travel Demand Management: Key Strategies & Characteristics

Loh Chow Kuang
(Land Transport Authority, Singapore 219428, Singapore)

Abstract:Facing the challenges of transportation development in Singapore, this paper introduces the integrated transportation policies to reduce automobile trips while increasing public transportation ridership, and a TDM framework for automobile ownership control and road usage management. In particular, the paper focuses on two key TDM strategies, i.e. Area Lessening Scheme and Electronic Road Pricing. Meanwhile, the paper discusses the objectives of the two systems, as well as their operational issues and implementational outcomes through a comparison with similar road pricing systems in other cities. The results show that TDM-oriented transportation policies are able to effectively solve congestion problems, and to play a favorable role in promoting a sustainable development in Singapore in terms of economy, environment, and society.

Keywords:traffic management; sustainable transportation; TDM; electronic road pricing; Vehicle Quota System; integrated transportation strategy