2009年 第6期



摘要:针对目前城市道路景观建设过程中过分强调人 工化的景观环境、忽视道路实际功能的问题进行研究。 首先阐述了对城市道路景观过度设计的理解,指出存在 装饰性过度、技术性过度、功能性过度三方面的问题。分 析造成道路景观过度设计的原因,包括过分强调视觉“冲 击”、外来景观设计的影响,以及忽视人性化。最后提出 通过“人性化”的适度设计、建立道路景观设计规范体系, 避免过度设计,创造优美且实用的城市道路景观空间。

关键词:交通工程;城市道路景观;过度设计;适度设计; 人性化



A Study on Improper Design of Urban Road Landscapes

DUAN Shu-ming, WANG Wei-ping, XU ming
(CCCC Second Highway Consultants. Co., Ltd., Wuhan Hubei 430052, China)

Abstract:This paper is intended to address issues pertaining to an over-emphasis on creating artificial roadside views but ignoring the virtual functions of the facilities while constructing urban highways. Starting with a discussion on roadside landscaping abundant in decorative, technical, and plausible details, the paper identifies the causes of the issue, including design ideas that are inspired by an over-motivated desire to produce visual“shocking”, and influenced by oversea fashions, but disregarding humanism. The paper concludes with suggestions on developing a standard design system to promote appropriate approaches to roadside landscaping design that avoids abundance in artificial decors, and thus to landscape creation along urban streets that are not only visually appealing but also virtually functional.

Keywords:traffic engineering; urban road landscapes; improper design; appropriate design; humanism