2008年 第4期


许锋1 佩斯·纳奇·拉斯罗2 姚江春3






Budapest Transportation Development Strategies and Implications

Xu Feng1,Pathy Nagy Laszlo2  and  Yao Jiangchun3
(1.China Center for Town Reform and Development, Beijing 100045, China; 2.Budapest Inspectorate of Transport, Budapest 1061, Hungary;
3.Guangdong Urban & Rural Planning and Design Institute,Guangzhou 510045, China)

Abstract:From three perspectives, i.e., overall description, strategic goals, and implementation approaches, this paper provides an overview of the general transportation development strategies, including public transportation, highway network, and transportation facilities for parking, and for pedestrians and bicyclists, in Budapest, Hungry. It is found that a slug caused by any mode along the travel paths of trip-makers can affect the effectiveness of the whole transportation chain. Therefore, only can a coordinated development of all the components within the whole transportation chain make public transportation more competitive than private cars; and only can a mix-use of public transportation and private cars result in a mutual fit between transportation and land-use. In combination of Budapest's experiences with practices at home, the paper finally proposes a "6-Leg" model for urban transportation strategy planning, with each leg representing population, economy, geography, environment, technology, and institutional system, respectively.

Keywords:transportation policy; transportation development strategy; comprehensive transportation; public transportation; transportation management; "6-Leg" model