2007年 第5期


何峻岭 李建忠
(武汉市城市综合交通规划设计研究院,武汉 430017)





Analysis and Improvement Suggestions on Elementary and Secondary School Commuting Traffic Characteristics in Wuhan

HE Junling and LI Jianzhong
(Wuhan City Comprehensive Transportation Planning & Design Institute, Wuhan 430017)

Abstract: With the rapid economic development in Wuhan, the car ownership increases rapidly, and the phenomenon of picking up children to and from school becomes more and more popular, resulting in an increasingly worsening of traffic situation in areas around schools, and making it difficult for elementary and secondary school students to commute between home and school due to an inappropriate setting of bus routes and stops and the lack of pedestrian crossing facilities. With regards to students' commuting problems, a spot check is carried out for three types of schools: the key elementary school, the common elementary school and the secondary school. Based on an analysis of the survey statistics, the characteristics of transportation structure and travel time for the above-mentioned school students are identified. Furthermore, by combining the parents' opinions and suggestions on school commuting, the paper puts forward some transportation improvement suggestions for school commuting in terms of setting passageway in the school, improving bus level of service, rationally allocating parking lots, setting different time tables for schools, adding more school commuting buses and strengthening safety education.

Keywords: elementary and secondary school students; school commuting; traffic characteristics; suggestions for improvement