2007年 第4期


Eric Britton
(Ecoplan International, 巴黎 75006)

摘要:简要介绍了关于城市创新策略计划的提案。这项提案旨在解决城市所面临的双重挑战:如何让城市变得更加畅通,同时又能改善环境质量并提高人们居住、工作和生活的质量。为了进一步说明,通过对 EcoPlan 国际畅通项目的观察总结,提出了6个论点,说明为何需要采取新的综合方案来应对大多数城市所面临的挑战。提出了一个旨在改变城市或邻近地区如何对待小汽车使用的方案,即在精心的准备下过一天没有小汽车的日子,然后对结果进行反思。此方案称为“星期四计划”。该提案强调了:明确这一天的基本目标;精心准备,努力达成共识;对结果进行严格检测,以便做好跟踪和调整工作。希望可以鼓励不同观点,获得进一步的改进意见,促进各个地方制定具体跟进措施和协作项目。




Thursday Program: The New Agenda for Urban Traffic Smoothing

Eric Britton
(Ecoplan International,Paris 75006)

Abstract: This paper outlines a proposal for an innovative urban policy project which embraces the dual challenges of making our cites more accessible, while improving the environment and quality of life in terms of housing, working and living. The paper further makes 6 points through an observational summary of EcoPlan, the international program for improving urban transportation, and explains why a new comprehensive plan is needed to cope with the new challenges facing most of the cities over the world. The general plan introduced in this paper proposes a scenario aimed to change the ways people use autos within a city and its vicinities, that is, to be well prepared for a day without using private cars, and then to think of the outcomes. Named "Thursday Program", this scenario emphasizes the objective of the day, a fine preparation, an endeavor to reach consensus, and a close look at what would happen so that tracking and adjustment can follow up. It is hoped that different voices on further improvement of the scenario can be heard, and solid implement measures and cooperative programs can be developed by cities elsewhere.

Keywords: innovative urban policy project; traffic-smoothing project; monitoring