2007年 第2期


张杰 刘小明 贺玉龙 陈永胜
(北京工业大学北京市交通工程重点实验室, 北京100022)

摘要:1987年美国国会准许各州把乡村州际公路某些路段的限速从89 km/h提高到105 km/h,1995年国家公路系统取消了最大限速89 km/h的规定,并把制定限速的权力下放给各个州,1996年32个州对不同的公路都提高了限速标准。通过对比限速前后交通流的变化,研究速度和交通事故的关系,美国提出了管理车辆速度的原因和方法,分析了限速对交通安全的影响,提出了管理车速应该考虑的因素,以及执行限速管理的要点。通过介绍美国管理车辆速度的背景、经验和效果,特别是限速作为速度管理的一个重要手段,为我国的车速管理提供了借鉴方法。




Speed Management in America

ZHANG Jie, LIU Xiaoming, HE Yulong and CHEN Yongsheng
(Beijing University of Technology, Beijing Transportation Engineering Key Laboratory, Beijing 100022, China)

Abstract: In 1987 Congress allowed the states to raise speed limits from 89 to 105km/h on qualifying sections of rural interstate highways. On November 28, 1995, the National Highway System (NHS) Designation Act abolished the federal mandate for the National Maximum Speed Limit (NMSL) and returned the authority of establishing speed limits to the states. By the end of 1996, 32 states had passed laws to raise speed limits on various highways. By comparing the changes of the traffic flow before and after the limits and studying the effect of increased speed limits in the post-NMSL Era, the states put forward the methods for the speed management and enforcement and also the criteria for setting appropriate speed limits. Through introducing the experience in speed management in the USA, it is more necessary and important to learn from them for Chinese speed management.

Keywords: speed management; crash; speed limits; speed dispersion