2006年 第6期


陈雪明1 贾旭东2
(1.美国北岭加州州立大学城市研究与规划系,美国北岭  91330;2.美国波莫纳加州州立工艺大学土木工程系,美国波莫纳  91768 )



中图分类号:U491. 1+23


A Comparative Study of TRANPLAN, CUBE and TransCAD: the Case of Irvine, Southern California

CHEN Xueming1, JIA Xudong2
 (1.California State University, Department of Urban Studies and Planning, Northridge 91330, U.S.A.; 2.California State Polytechnic University, Department of Civil Engineering, Pomona 91768, U.S.A.)

Abstract: TransCAD and CUBE are two major transportation modeling software packages to replace TRANPLAN in the U.S. Both TransCAD and CUBE possess strong modeling and geographic information system capabilities with their respective strengths and weaknesses. Though TRANPLAN is expected to be replaced by TransCAD in Southern California region and several counties in the near future, CUBE remains to be a popular software package being used by several other U.S. regions including the State of Florida and the Atlanta metropolitan area, which suggests that both TransCAD and CUBE have their distinctive markets and customers. The case study of the Irvine transportation modeling software evaluation in Southern California indicates that, though the characteristics of software packages are vital in the modeling software evaluation process, other relevant factors should also be taken into consideration with a care as well, such as local modeling policies, modeling requirements, surrounding modeling environment, compatibility with data structures and computer network system, by the means of utilizing multifaceted evaluation criteria.

Key words: model; software package; geographic information system; trip-based model; tour-based model