2006年 第6期


易汉文  编译
(美国加州交通部,加利福尼亚  92110)

摘要:这里选编了美国加州交通部、田纳西州Knox县和加州American Canyon市颁布执行的交通影响分析导则和要求。 内容涉及必须进行交通影响分析的新增出行量限阈、交通影响分析的范围、技术方法、分析方案和主要内容、数据收集和假设条件、评估交通影响显著程度的技术标准以及消减交通影响的措施及其责任分担。 应当指出,交通影响分析是对当地社区和项目开发者均具积极意义的双赢举措,其作用不仅体现在指导城市用地的合理开发和维护城市交通系统的正常秩序,也体现在保障用地项目建成后的健康经营和有效运作。




A Series of Guidelines and Requirements for Traffic Impact Studies in U.S.A.

Edited by  YI Hanwen
(California Department of Transportation, California 92110, U.S.A.)

Abstract: This paper presents a selectively edited series of guidelines and requirements for traffic impact studies that are currently in effect and respectively implemented by the California Department of Transportation, the Knox County (TN) Metropolitan Planning Commission, and the City of American Canyon (CA) Public Works Department, in the United States. The contents of the series include general guidance and detailed descriptions that can be followed to determine the thresholds of the development-generated trips, the study scope, methodologies, scenarios, report topics, data and assumptions, impact significance criteria, as well as mitigation measures and responsibilities. It is emphasized that, being a two-win practice with positive effects on both local communities and developers, traffic impact studies can be useful in terms of not only guiding a reasonable development of urban land and maintaining the operational effectiveness of transportation systems, but also supporting a healthy business for future development projects.

Key words: traffic impact studies; development projects; impact significance; guidelines; technical requirements