2006年 第2期


褚浩然1 郑猛1 杨晓光2 韩先科2
(1. 北京城市规划设计研究院, 北京 100045;2. 同济大学交通工程系, 上海 200092)

摘要:以往传统的交通分析方法,将大量的交通信息堆砌在一起,如时间信息、空间信息等,忽略了信息间的相互作用,割裂了交通系统的整体性和系统性。说明了出行链对交通分析和交通规划的重要作用,从交通现象的本质出发,给出了出行链的结构和定义,提出了出行链特征指标, 以“链”的形式将交通系统的时间维、空间维、方式维和活动类型联接在一起,将交通系统变成一个有机的整体。并通过多项Logit模型建立了交通方式选择模型,在模型拟合良好的前提下,验证了平均出行链长度和换乘次数对方式选择的影响是显著的。



A Study on Trip-Chain Indices and Their Application

CHU Haoran1,ZHENG Meng1,YANG Xiaoguang2, HAN Xianke2
(1. Beijing Municipal Institute of City Planning and Design , Beijing 100045, China ; 2. Department of Traffic Engineering , Tongji University , Shanghai 200092 , China)

Abstract: Based on the fact that the integrity and systematicness of the transportation system are cut a-part, with the interactions among pieces of informa-tion ignored in the conventional travel analysis meth-ods, even though there exists a plenty of information available, such as related to time and space, this pa-per explains the importance of trip-chains on travel analysis and transportation planning. And according to the essence of transportation phenomenon, correla-tive concept, structure, indices and definition are put forward. Time dimension, space dimension, mode di-mension and activity type are linked by trip chaining, which make transportation system as a organic whole. And transportation mode choice is set up by multino-mial Logit model. Based on fine goodness of Model fit, the influence of average length of trip-chain and transfer number on mode choice is remarkable.

Keywords: trip-chain; mode choice; multinomial Logit model