2005年 第4期


(泰州职业技术学院艺术系, 泰州 225300)

【摘 要】随着我国城市轨道交通的迅速发展,轨道交通对城市发展的影响成为重要的研究课题。我国大城市及特大城市的空间结构形态大都为单中心的同心圆结构,在城市化进程加速和城市规模不断扩大的情况下,这种结构的弊端已越来越明显。在分析我国大城市的空间结构现状和存在问题的基础上,比较了几种城市空间发展模式,提出多中心分散组团式结构是我国大城市的发展方向。而轨道交通是实现我国大城市空间发展策略的一个重要前提条件。对以轨道交通促进大城市空间结构优化的具体策略提出了几点建议。


The Function of Urban Rail Transit for Optimizing the Space Forms of Metropolises in China

XUE Huapei
(Taizhou Polytechnical Institute,Taizhou 225300, China)

Abstract: The impact of rail transit on the urban development has become an important research subject with the fast development of rail transit in metropolises in China. Most of them have concentric space structure with single-center whose disadvantages have been more and more evident with accelerative development of urbanization. On the basis of analyzing the current situations and problems of space forms of metropolises in China, as well as comparing some patterns of urban space development, this paper points out that the multi-centers and separated units structure is suitable for the space development of metropolises and the urban rail transit is an important presupposition for realizing this space development strategy. Some concrete suggestions of promoting the optimization of urban space forms by urban rail transit is proposed.

Keywords: urban rail transit; urban form; urban space structure; units structure with multi-center