20200601-Greenway-Based Bicycle Commuting in Medium Cities_ A Case Study of Qingfeng Greenway in Jinhua, Zhejiang Province

  GONG Dijia1

  (1.College of Geography and Environment Science, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua, Zhejiang Province, China 321004)

  【Abstract】The bicycle commuting distance is closely related to the urban greenway-built characteristics in medium cities. Bicycle commuting on greenways has become one of the residents’ travel modes, which positively impacts individuals’ well-being and city development. With Qingfeng Greenway in Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province as an example, the paper investigates the travel characteristics, commuting demands and commuters’ travel expectation through field observation, surveys, and interviews. The in-depth analysis of the greenway construction, operation and management, and coordinated development with the surrounding built environment is conducted, which reveals the main problems of vaguely defined right-of-way, inadequate facilities along greenway, lack of smooth connection with residential areas and urban street network. Based on bicycle commuting demand and a hierarchical classification of greenway, the paper provides suggestions on improving greenway development in several aspects: right-of-way allocation and connection, facilities development along greenway, connection with surrounding residential areas and non-motorized roadway network, travel services improvement, etc.

  【Keywords】 bicycle transportation; urban greenway; commuting; right-of-way allocation; connection; Jinhua City;

  【DOI】 10.13813/j.cn11-5141/u.2020.0609-en