20200603-Park and Ride Practice in Shanghai

LIU Tao1,2 PAN Haixiao1

(1.College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092)
(2.Shanghai Urban-Rural Construction and Transportation Development Research Institute, Shanghai 200040)

【Abstract】Since the building of two park and ride (P&R) parking lots on Songhong Road and Hongmei Road in 2009, more than thirty P&R parking lots have been formed in Shanghai. The usage of these P&R parking lots is different, and the social evaluation is also different. In order to guide the planning of P&R parking lot, and reduce the uncertainty of planning and usage, this paper summarizes the planning and management of P&R parking lot in Shanghai. Qualitative, and quantitative methods, such as questionnaire, case analysis and model analysis are used to analyze the functionalities of P&R part lot, station connection and external effects from the perspective of the origin of vehicles, connecting transportation service and mode change. Finally, the paper provides suggestions on P&R parking lots planning. The station type and location should be differentiated based on parking lot function. The planning should be integrated with other connecting travel modes to form an integrated connecting system. It is necessary to measure the external effect comprehensively, to build and share with other parking lots, and to consider function transformation of future land use.

【Keywords】 transportation planning; park and ride; connecting traffic; externality; Shanghai;

【DOI】 10.13813/j.cn11-5141/u.2020.0606-en