20210601-Impact of Built Environment on Bike Sharing Diurnal Variation Characteristics_ A Case Study in Xiamen

  HUI Ying1,TANG Lei1,XIE Yingkun1,LIAO Jiamei1,SHI Cheng2

  1. The Key Laboratory of Road and Traffic Engineering, Ministry of Education, Shanghai 201804, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Ecology and Energy-Saving Study of Dense Habitat, Ministry of Education, Shanghai 200092, China

  【Abstract】 The impact mechanism of built environment on bike sharing is the basis of analyzing the spatial differ-ences of bike sharing travel behavior and formulating regional management strategies. However, the research on the characteristics of diurnal variation of bike sharing travel volume is relatively insufficient. Most existing research use short-term data of several days, and lack of research on the long-term effects of spatial heterogeneity. Based on the bike sharing data of Xiamen for nearly three months in 2018, this paper conducts regional research and establishes an index system describing the long-term fluctuation of bike sharing daily travel volume. Five regional bike sharing travel modes are divided, and the impact of regional built environment on the diurnal variation of bike sharing daily travel volume is discussed. The results show that the built environment will affect the daily travel volume of re-gional bike sharing and its long-term fluctuation. Population, traffic accessibility, and the number of POI will posi-tively affect the daily travel volume of regional bike sharing, while the POI category, the connection with rail transit and the land use diversity will have different effects on the fluctuation characteristics of daily travel volume. The daily travel volume variation tends to be uniform as the land use diversity increases. Targeted management strate-gies in different areas can be developed accordingly.

  【Keywords】 transportation planning;bike sharing;daily volume;diurnal variation characteristics;built environment;

  【DOI】 10.13813/j.cn11-5141/u.2021.0029-en