20190302-Greenway System in Guangdong_ The Past and Future

Ma Xiangming
(Guangdong Urban & Rural Planning and Design Institute, Guangzhou Guangdong 510290, China)

Abstract: Through reviewing the greenway system in Guangdong, this paper summarizes the role and significance of the greenway system development in the Pearl River Delta. The implementation of greenway system in the Pearl River Delta has showcased an excellent collaboration between the technology and politicians. While promoting the development of the greenway in China, the development of the greenway system in the Pearl River Delta also made two milestones. The greenway system has significantly changed the supply of urban open space, provided accessibility to the countryside for city residences, and initiated the transformation of urban development patterns in the Pearl River Delta. Greenway system in Guangdong exhibits three trends of development: 1) integrating greenway with residences' health needs at road functional level; 2) making greenway compatible with the local historical and cultural background at context level; 3) matching greenway with the local natural environment characteristics at ecology level.

Keywords: greenway planning; sports and leisure; natural environment; history and culture; historic trail in south Guangdong; Guangdong Province