20190402-Characteristics of Peak-Hour Passenger Flow at Rail Transit Stations in Shanghai

Jin Yu
(Shanghai Urban Planning and Design Institute, Shanghai 200040, China)

Abstract: Along with the increasing passenger flow of Shanghai urban rail transit, many stations shows inadequate in passenger distribution during peak hours. Based on the smart card data of 238 stations which have been in operation for more than 5 years, this paper analyzes the characteristics of peak hour distribution, peak hour factors and extra peak hour factors. Firstly, arrival passenger volume peak hour tends to occur in the morning peak, while departure passenger volume peak hour clusters in both the morning and evening. Secondly, peak hour factor of arrival passenger volume is higher than that of departure passenger volume. The peak hour factor is closely related to both the characteristics of land use around stations and station location. Stations with single and high intensity of residence or office land use may bring high peak hour factors. Thirdly, extra peak hour factors of most station are within the recommended range of specifications. However, for those stations located at the end of lines and functioned as terminals, a higher value of extra peak hour factors are recommended.

Keywords: rail transit; passenger flow at stations; peak hour factor; extra peak hour factor; big data; Shanghai