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文章编号: 1672-5328(2024)05-0057-09
(1. 郑州市规划勘测设计研究院有限公司,河南郑州450052;2. 中国城市规划设计研究院,北京100037)
摘要: 城市道路是应急救援的重要载体,有效降低超标降雨带来的风险对于韧性城市建设至关重 要。综合考虑降雨量、道路积水深度、最大允许退水时间,确定超标降雨的交通风险边界条件。基 于郑州“7·20”特大暴雨的道路受灾状况、交通运行情况,分析超标降雨情况下的道路风险区,指 出传统平坦低洼叠加高路基区域,城市易涝区叠加交通拥堵、高架快速路匝道等区域的灾时风险性 较高。然后,从构建特级应急通道网络、完善应急疏散方案、道路行泄通道精细化设计等方面提出 超标降雨情况下城市道路交通应急响应策略。最后指出,面临超标降雨等极端天气时城市道路交通 应从顶层规划、精细化设计、应急管理等多环节着手,提高城市应对超标降雨的综合防灾能力。
关键词: 应急交通;超标降雨;道路风险区;应急通道网络;应急疏散;行泄通道;郑州市
中图分类号: U491
Strategies for Urban Roadway Traffic in Response to Extreme Rainfall: A Case Study of the July 20, 2021 Torrential Rainstorm in Zhengzhou
ZUO Lixing1, ZHANG Hao1, ZHANG Zengqi1, LI Danyang1, ZHANG Zheng2, LIU Naiyu2
(1. Zhengzhou Urban Planning Design & Survey Research Institute Co., Ltd., Zhengzhou Henan 450052, China; 2. China Academy of Urban Planning & Design, Beijing 100037, China)
Abstract: Urban roads play a critical role in emergency rescue, and effectively reducing the risks posed by extreme rainfall is crucial to building resilient cities. By comprehensively considering factors such as rainfall volume, road waterlogging depth, and maximum permissible water drainage time, this paper presents the development of boundary conditions for extreme rainfall events. Based on the analysis of road damage and traffic operation during the July 20, 2021 torrential rainstorm in Zhengzhou, the paper identifies highrisk road zones under extreme rainfall conditions. It highlights that areas where traditional flat lowlands overlap with elevated roadbed, urban flood-prone zones coincide with traffic congestion, and ramp exits on elevated expressways are particularly vulnerable during extreme weather events. Moreover, emergency response strategies for urban roadway traffic during extreme rainfall are proposed, including constructing a major emergency channel network, improving emergency evacuation plans, and refining the design of road drainage channels. Finally, the paper emphasizes that, under extreme weather conditions such as excessive rainfall, cities need top- level planning, refined design, and emergency management of urban road to enhance the overall disaster response capacity.
Keywords: emergency traffic; extreme rainfall; high-risk road zones; emergency channel network; emergency evacuation; drainage channels; Zhengzhou