The Journal of Transport and Land Use
  Vol. 14 No. 1
United States fatal pedestrian crash hot spot locations and characteristics
Identification of the geographical extent of an area benefiting from a transportation project: A generalized synthetic control
Driving change: Exploring the adoption of multimodal local traffic impact assessment practices
An integrated land-use/transportation forecasting and planning model: A metropolitan planning support system
Borrowed sizes: A hedonic price approach to the value of network structure in public transport systems
Car ownership and commuting mode of the “original” residents in a high-density city center: A case study in Shanghai
Finding the right tools for the job: Instrument mixes for land use and transport integration in the Netherlands
A needs-gap analysis of street space allocation
The role of perceived satisfaction and the built environment on the frequency of cycle-commuting
Drawing the map: The creation and regulation of geographic constraints on shared bikes and e-scooters in San Francisco, CA
An agent-based transportation impact sketch planning (TISP) model system
Transit-oriented development for older adults: A survey of current practices among transit agencies and local governments in the US
The opportunity cost of parking requirements: Would Silicon Valley be richer if its parking requirements were lower?
A framework to generate virtual cities as sandboxes for land use-transport interaction models
Traffic noise feedback in agent-based Integrated Land-Use/Transport Models
Shifting perspectives: A comparison of travel-time-based and carbon-based accessibility landscapes
Shifting perspectives: A comparison of travel-time-based and carbon-based accessibility landscapes
Differences in ride-hailing adoption by older Californians among types of locations
Understanding jobs-housing imbalance in urban China: A case study of Shanghai
Modelling children’s independent territorial range by discretionary and nondiscretionary trips
The relationship between urban form and mode choice in US and Mexican cities: A comparative analysis of workers’ commutes
Accessibility and uncertainty: An empirical analysis of option value in transport
To e-bike or not to e-bike? A study of the impact of the built environment on commute mode choice in a small Chinese city
Evaluating demand responsive transit services using a density-based trip rate metric
A brief discussion on the treatment of spatial correlation in multinomial discrete models
Metro station inauguration, housing prices, and transportation accessibility: Tehran case study
Evaluation of the land value-added benefit brought by urban rail transit: The case in Changsha, China
Impacts of high-speed rail development on urban land expansion and utilization intensity in China
Parking and competition for space in urban neighborhoods: Residents’ perceptions of traffic and parking-related conflicts
Modeling household relocation choice: An egalitarian bargaining approach and a comparative study
Shorter commutes, but for whom? Comparing the distributional effects of Bus Rapid Transit on commute times in Cape Town, South Africa, and Barranquilla, Colombia
Modeling enterprise location choice decision behavior