2012年 第3期


方 可,Samuel Zimmerman,王 伟,Said Dahdah,Gladys Frame
(世界银行,华盛顿哥伦比亚特区 20433,美国)





Integrated Corridor Management for Urban Transport: Concept and Practices

Fang Ke, Samuel Zimmerman, Wang Wei, Said Dahdah, Gladys Frame
(The World Bank, Washington DC 20433, USA)

Abstract:To manage the rapidly growing travel demand with limited land and transportation resources and to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of all available transportation resources, it is necessary to adopt an Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) approach to improve the efficiency of major urban transportation corridors. After introducing the basic concept of ICM and its applicability to urban transportation development in China, the paper elaborately discusses the ICM planning process and its implementation in two cities from developed countries, London and New York, and one from one developing country, Wuhan. Based on lessons learnt from these cities, the paper identifies several key factors in successful ICM practices including strong support from city leaders, effective coordination among key stakeholders, “two-way” communication with all transportation users, and location specific development framework for successful ICM planning and implementation.

Keywords:transportation planning; urban transportation; public transportation; system integration; integrated corridor management