2011年 第4期


Karl Fjellstrom
(美国交通与发展政策研究所,纽约 10003)

摘要:过去6年中,中国有13个城市建设了长达350 km的快速公交(BRT)系统,发展速度超过了其他任何国家和地区。然而,无论是处于城市周边地区的BRT走廊,还是低需求量设计的中心地区走廊,这些BRT系统容量较小、客流需求处于中低水平。直到2010年2月广州市BRT开通后,这一情况才得以改变。从最早于1999年在昆明市实行的中央式公交专用车道开始,到2010年达到替代地铁水平的广州市BRT,阐述了BRT在中国的发展,指出其趋势为由固定线路运营向直达线路运营转变。最后,系统总结了中国各城市规划、建设和运营BRT系统的经验教训。




Bus Rapid Transit Development in China

Karl Fjellstrom
(Institute for Transportation and Development Policy, New York 10003, USA)

Abstract:Over the last six years, Bus Rapid Transit has expanded faster in China than in any other region, with 350 km of BRT systems opened in thirteen cities. However, these systems were all relatively low capacity, low-to-medium demand systems either in peripheral corridors, or with a low demand design in central corridors; that is, until the opening of the Guangzhou BRT in February 2010. This paper describes the development trends of BRT in China ranging from the earliest median bus lanes in Kunming in 1999 through to the metro-replacement level BRT in Guangzhou in 2010. The paper identifies a trend towards direct-service operations rather than ‘trunk and feeder’ operations, and finishes with a summary of key lessons learned for future BRT systems.

Keywords:Bus Rapid Transit; passenger flow; median bus lanes; central platform; BRT vehicles