2010年 第3期



摘要:为改善轨道交通车站内自 动检票闸机使用不均衡状况,在对 上海市地铁人民广场站、静安寺 站、徐家汇站闸机组利用效率调查 基础上,深入研究闸机组利用不均 衡性与车站步行设施和服务设施 的相对空间布局、客流量、乘客路 径选择行为的相互作用关系。研 究发现:由于乘客存在选择最短路 径的行为习惯,越靠近自动扶梯/ 楼梯的闸机利用率越大;客流在接 近饱和状态下闸机的时间利用不 均衡度降低。针对闸机组与客流 步行方向平行/垂直两种布置方 式,分别提出3 种布局改善方案, 并利用行人仿真软件Legion 进行 评价。推荐闸机组分三排布置且 两种闸机布置方式排间距分别为 0.5 m和1.1 m,改善后空间利用不 均衡度可降低至0.3以下。

关键词:轨道交通;运营管理;自动 检票闸机;行人仿真;利用不均衡 度;最短路径



Utilization of AFC Devices at Rail Transit Station

FENG Jian-dong, WU Jiao-rong, JIN Yu, LIU Ying
(Key Laboratory of Road and Traffic Engineering of the Ministry of Education, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China)

Abstract:To improve the unbalancing usage of the Automatic Fare Collection (AFC) devices at rail transit stations, this paper investigates the relationship between level of AFC unit’s utilization and a host of factors including the layout of service facilities, passenger volumes, and route selection behaviors based on the survey data on the usage of AFC devices at the rail station of Renmin Square, Jingansi, and Xujiahui in Shanghai. The results of the study show that AFC devices close to an escalator or a staircase are utilized the most because of passenger’s behavior in choosing the shortest path. It is also discovered that the usage of AFC devices are balanced when passenger flow approaches the capacity of the AFC devices. Aiming at two types of designs for AFC devices - parallel or perpendicular to the direction of pedestrian flow, the paper proposes three improvement plans that are evaluated by a pedestrian simulation program called Legion. The paper recommends that AFC devices be arranged in three rows while the row space is 0.5m for the parallel layout and 1.1m for perpendicular layout. The two layout designs can reduce the degree of unbalancing utilization of AFC below 0.3.

Keywords:rail transit; operation and management; AFC equipment; pedestrian simulation; the degree of unbalancing utilization; the shortest path