2007年 第2期


胡小文 冯均佳
(同济大学交通运输工程学院,上海  200092)

摘要:对装载GPS的出租汽车采集到的数据进行预处理和地图匹配,实现了出租汽车路径的跟踪,确定了出租汽车上下客点的位置,据此可得到反映出租汽车交通运行特点的相关数据,为出租汽车交通管理乃至城市交通管理提供了科学依据。以深圳市装载GPS的出租汽车数据为例进行分析,通过一定的数据处理方法,利用Visual Basic和ArcView的组件MapObject相结合进行编程,得到了深圳市出租汽车交通运行的特点,如出租汽车交通出行需求的空间分布、出租汽车出行距离分布、出租汽车出行时长分布等。

关键词:出租汽车;GPS;地图匹配;Visual Basic;MapObject



Research on Characteristics of Taxi Traffic Based on GPS Data

HU Xiaowen, and FENG Junjia
(School of Transportation Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China)

Abstract: This paper carries out by tracking taxi route and determining the locations of pick-up and drop-off passengers after preprocessing the data collected by taxi equipped with GPS and map-matching. Therefore, relative data about taxi traffic characteristics have been attained which can provide scientific basis for taxi traffic management and urban transportation management. This research based on case study in Shenzhen. The characteristics of taxi traffic are obtained—spatial distribution of taxi trip demand, distribution of trip distance and distribution of trip time. The whole process is carried out by the program through the combination between Visual Basic and MapObject.

Keywords: taxi; GPS; map-matching; Visual Basic; MapObject