2010年 第1期


(1. 北京工业大学建筑与城市规划学院,北京100022;2. 同济大学交通运输工程学院,上海201804;3. 美慧信息科技(上海) 有限公司,上海200081)

摘要:目前,中国城市慢行交通 发展定位不够明确,慢行环境日益 恶劣,亟须开展慢行交通系统规划 研究。讨论了国内外城市交通模 式及慢行交通保护战略,并从城市 交通规划对慢行交通关注的缺失、 城市交通管理缺乏人人性化评判 依据,以及干路机非冲突造成慢行 交通安全隐患等角度解读了慢行 困境与规划反思。指出明确慢行 交通地位、保障慢行安全与便捷、 保护慢行活力应成为慢行交通规 划的重要目标。据此,以上海市为 例,介绍了机非分离规划、步行过 街设施规划、自行车廊道网规划、 宁静步行系统规划的研究实践。

关键词:交通规划;慢行交通;交通 模式;自行车廊道网;宁静步行系统



Discussion on Planning for Non-Motorized Travel in Cities

XIONG Wen1, CHEN Xiao-hong2, HU Xian-biao3
(1. College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100022, China; 2. School of Transportation, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China; 3. Trafficcast China (Shanghai) Co., Ltd, Shanghai 200081, China)

Abstract:Due to the ambiguous position of non-motorized travel in an urban transportation system, the transportation conditions for non-motorized travel are getting worse in cities across China, which illustrates the urgent need for the improvement research. By summarizing the urban transportation development patterns and strategies for non-motorized travel system both at home and abroad, this paper discusses issues pertaining to existing pedestrian system and pedestrian planning such as lack of emphasis on non-motorized travel system, little awareness of non-motorized travel, and dangers caused by motorized vehicles to pedestrians at traffic conflicting areas. The paper also states that the research for urban transportation planning should focus on the safety and efficiency of non-motorized traffic by stressing the importance of non-motorized travel as an integrated part of the whole system. Lastly, this paper introduces the implementation results in Shanghai on how to separate motorized and non-motorized traffic, pedestrians crossing facilities, bicycle corridor planning and traffic calming design for pedestrians.

Keywords:transportation planning; non-motorized travel; transportation patterns; bicycle corridor network; traffic calming system for pedestrian