2013年 第5期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2013)05-0012-06


摘要: 20 世纪90 年代以来,面对城市人口和机动车的持续快 速增长,上海市加快交通体系建设,并于2002 年首次制定并颁 布了以政府名义发表的《上海市城市交通白皮书》,明确了发展 国际大都市一体化交通的战略目标,提出“公交优先、区域差 别、路车平衡”三大核心政策。通过回顾2002 年《上海市城市 交通白皮书》交通政策顶层设计的战略意义,总结了“轨道成 网”和“私车控增”两大举措对缓解城市交通拥堵、支撑城市交 通发展的关键作用,也对未来人性化、法制化交通政策的制定 提出建议。

关键词: 交通政策;白皮书;一体化交通;轨道成网;私车控增; 上海



Strategic Significance and Critical Role of Transportation Policy: Implementing“Shanghai Metropolitan TransportWhite Paper”in the Past 15 Years

Lu Ximing, Gu Yu
(Shanghai City Comprehensive Transportation Planning Institute, Shanghai 200040, China)

Abstract: Facing the rapid growth of urban population and motorized traffic, Shanghai has accelerated the transportation system development since 1990s. “Shanghai Metropolitan Transport White Paper”released by Shanghai government in 2002 establishes the strategic goal of developing integrated transportation system for an international metropolitan with three core policies on prioritizing public transportation, zone differentiation, and promoting balance between roads and vehicles. Through reviewing the strategic significance of transportation policy making for the White Paper, this article points out that rail transit network and restriction on vehicle usage have played a critical role in alleviating traffic congestion and promoting urban transportation development. Finally, the article provides suggestions on human oriented and institutionalized transportation policy making in the future.

Keywords: transportation policy; White Paper; integrated transportation; rail transit network; restriction on vehicle usage; Shanghai