2013年 第5期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2013)05-0082-14

David King1, Michael Manville1, Donald Shoup1 著;李潭峰2 译

摘要: 通过收费缓解交通拥堵的政治可行性取决于谁获得通 行费收入。指出如果收益被分配给城市,特别是高速公路经 过的城市,拥挤收费取得政治成功的可能性最大。与已有的 很多建议不同,指出城市是比个体驾驶人和区域政府更有力 的收益申索人。基于行为经济学和政治科学理论并结合几个 大都市区的数据,对提议进行解析和阐述。在洛杉矶,潜在的 拥挤收费收入估计每年接近50 亿美元,将这些收入分配至高 速公路经过的城市对拥挤收费的实施是有政治影响力和促进 作用的。

关键词: 拥挤收费;政治可行性



The Political Calculus of Congestion Pricing

Written by David King1, Michael Manville1, Donald Shoup1, Translated by Li Tanfeng2
(1. Department of Urban Planning, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1656, USA; 2.China Academy of Urban Planning & Design,Beijing 100037, China)

Abstract: The political feasibility of using prices to mitigate congestion depends on who receives the toll revenue. We argue that congestion pricing on freeways will have the greatest chance of political success if the revenue is distributed to cities, and particularly to cities through which the freeways pass. In contrast to a number of previous proposals, we argue that cities are stronger claimants for the revenue than either individual drivers or regional authorities. We draw on theory from behavioral economics and political science to explain our proposal, and illustrate it with data from several metropolitan areas. In Los Angeles, where potential congestion toll revenues are estimated to be almost $5 billion a year, distributing toll revenues to cities with freeways could be politically effective and highly progressive.

Keywords: Congestion tolls; Political feasibility