2014年 第1期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2014)01-0061-05


摘要: 中国城市道路规划和设计更加侧重于解决机动交通问题,较少考虑人在街道上的活动需求, 以及街道空间的设计问题。首先追溯“街”和“路”的概念起源、比较国内外“街”和“路”的概 念差异。指出“街”强调公共活动空间属性,“路”强调交通通过性,二者在空间界面、使用功 能、使用对象以及交通特点方面均有不同。探讨中国与英美国家、日本城市道路分类的异同,指出 英美国家及日本对“街”和“路”在概念上有明显区分。详细阐述街道设计的基本理念是以人为 本,同时应满足人对街道的使用需求,使其具有安全性、包容性和可替代性,并做到绿色环保以及 与立体空间的协调统一。

关键词: 城市道路;街道设计;街;路;以人为本

中图分类号: U412.37


Street Design Fundamentals and Difference in Street and Roadway

GAO Keyue
(Xiamen Urban Planning and Design Institute, Xiamen 361012, China)

Abstract: Existing urban road planning and design in China often focus on solving motorized traffic problems and overlook the demand of human activities and street space design. This paper first reviews the concepts of street and roadway, and then compares the different concept between street and roadway domestically and internationally. The paper points out that street and roadway are different in space, function, user and traffic characteristics. Street design emphasizes public space and roadway design focuses on vehicular flow. Through discussing the difference of urban road classification between U.K., U.S., Japan and China, the paper reveals the difference in the concept of street and roadway in these countries. Based on peopleoriented principle, the paper points out that street design should improve street security, compatibility and substitutability, and promote environmental protection and the coordination of multi-level space.

Keywords: urban road; street design; street; roadway; user-oriented