2014年 第1期
基于武汉市ETC 系统的交通运行分析色 谱图

文章编号: 1672-5328(2014)01-0081-05


摘要: 为实时监测武汉市过江桥隧的交通运行状况,对ETC流量分析子系统开展研究。以速度-流 量模型为基础,基于浮动车和ETC过江流量数据,综合考虑流量和速度两项指标,分别确定其等级 划分标准。在此基础上构建交通运行分析色谱图,避免了采用单一流量指标可能出现的运行状况 错误判断。武汉市的应用结果表明,该色谱图能为实时监测道路运行状况、分析道路异常情况、定 量分析道路实际通行能力及畅行速度提供直观、有力的技术支撑。

关键词: 交通工程;ETC流量分析;交通运行分析色谱图;流量;速度;通行能力;武汉市

中图分类号: U491


Traffic Operations Analysis Chromatogram Based on ETC System in Wuhan

PengWuxiong, Li Jianzhong
(Wuhan Transportation Development Strategy Institute,Wuhan Hubei 430017, China)

Abstract: In order to monitor real-time traffic operation of crossing river tunnels in Wuhan, this paper studied and developed the ETC flow analysis subsystem. Based on speed-flow diagram along with the floating car and ETC data, the paper analyzes traffic flow and speed indicators and proposes the corresponding categorization criteria. To avoid errors in traffic operation identification that solely depends on the flow indicator, the paper develops a traffic operations analysis chromatogram. Analysis results show that the chromatogram provides technical support on real-time road operation monitoring, road traffic incident and congestion detection, and quantitative analysis of traffic capacity and free flow speeds.

Keywords: traffic engineering; ETC flow analysis; traffic operations analysis chromatogram; flow; speed; capacity;Wuhan City