2014年 第2期
城市最具潜力的公共空间再开发 ——世界典型街道设计手册综述

文章编号: 1672-5328(2014)02-0010-08


摘要: 在过去一个世纪里,街道设计主要以机动车为主导,标准化的技术主义街道设计范式占据着 主导地位。现在,全球的城市规划师和政策制定者正在扩大他们对街道的认识,对街道的定义从机 动性转向宜居性。一股推出“街道设计手册”的热潮随之出现,街道设计的内涵与使用方式被重新 定义。通过分析街道为什么是城市最具潜力的公共空间,总结世界街道设计的发展历程。基于地区 发展特色,选取5 个代表性的街道设计手册,从中提炼出街道设计的“需求金字塔”,总结其中涵 盖的主要内容、设计原则、成功元素和面临的挑战,并对街道设计的未来进行展望。

关键词: 街道设计手册;公共空间;完整街道;活力街道

中图分类号: U412.37


Redevelopment of Urban Public Space: A Review of Urban Street Design Manuals in the World

LiWen, Lan Xiao
(The Shenzhen Urban Planning & Design Institute, Shen Zhen, Guang Dong 518031, China)

Abstract: Urban street designs in the last century have mainly focus on motorized vehicles, which dominates the design specifications and guidelines. Currently, urban planners and policy makers around the world are expanding their knowledge on urban streets and redefining function of street from mobility to livability, which has stimulated a surge of publications on street design manuals with new street design concepts. By analyzing street being the most promising public space system, this paper summarizes the development process of street design around the world. Based on regional development features and 5 typical street design manuals, the paper proposes a “demand pyramid” for street design. The main contents, design principles, successful factors and challenges in these design manuals, as well as future street design development are summarized.

Keywords: street design manual; public space; complete street; vibrant streets