2014年 第2期
高密度城市的步行系统设计 ——以香港为例

文章编号: 1672-5328(2014)02-0050-09


摘要: 近年,不少城市为推广低碳和可持续发展,开始鼓励市民以步行取代开车,更认真地反思 “以车为主”的规划理念,重新考虑城市空间分配的优次问题,提出“以人为本”的规划主张。香 港人口密集,居民多使用公共交通,亦因此经常作短距离步行,往来公共汽车站及接驳交通。可 是,香港的交通规划一味注重大型基建,交通政策强调车流畅顺,往往忽略了行人的基本需要。透 过香港特殊区域案例,探讨城市的步行环境、发展世界级步行城市的基本元素及设计策略。

关键词: 交通规划;步行环境;公共空间;香港

中图分类号: U412.37


Pedestrian System Design in Cities with High-density Development: Example of Hong Kong

Simon Ka-wing Ng
(Civic Exchange, Hong Kong 999077, China)

Abstract: In recent years, many cities encourage walking instead of driving as a way to promote low-carbon, sustainable development. Many urban areas also seriously rethinking the car-based planning concept and start to emphasize people-oriented planning approach, which leads to new thinking on urban space allocation between people and cars. With a high population density, Hong Kong residents have a high percentage of public transport usage, and frequent short- distance walking trips between bus stations and interchange. However, transportation planning in Hong Kong mainly focuses on mega-infrastructure projects, with the policy emphasizing the efficiency of vehicles and overlooking the basic demand of pedestrians. Based on the specific case of Hong Kong, this paper discusses the pedestrian environment, and basic elements and design strategies for developing a world-class walkable city.

Keywords: transportation planning; pedestrian environment; public space; Hong Kong