2014年 第4期
“网络、空间、环境、衔接”一体化的步行和 自行车交通——《城市步行和自行车交通 系统规划设计导则》规划方法解读

文章编号: 1672-5328(2014)04-0004-07


摘要: 2013 年住房城乡建设部颁布实施《城市步行和自行车交通系统规划设计导则》(以下简称 《导则》),指导各城市在发展步行和自行车交通方面的工作。基于《导则》的编制工作,探讨步行 和自行车交通系统构建方法。首先指出城市步行和自行车交通发展在功能定位、技术标准以及与其 他交通方式衔接三方面存在的问题。《导则》编制中明确了步行和自行车交通发展的功能定位,同 时提出“将人活动的空间进行整体设计”的总体指导思想。最后,围绕“网络、空间、环境、衔 接”四个核心要素,重点阐述步行和自行车交通系统的一体化规划设计方法。

关键词: 步行和自行车交通;规划设计;导则;网络;空间;环境;衔接

中图分类号: U491.1+2


A Pedestrian and Bicycle Transportation System Featured with “Network, Environment, Space and Connection” Integration: Discussion on the Planning Methodologies in the Guideline for Urban Pedestrian and Bicycle Transportation System Planning and Design

Dai Jifeng1, Zhao Jie2, Zhou Le1, Du Heng1
(1. China Academy of Urban Planning & Design, Beijing 100037, China; 2. Ministry of Housing and Urban- Rural Development of the People’s Republic of China, Beijing 100835, China)

Abstract: The 2013 Guideline for Urban Pedestrian and Bicycle Transportation System Planning and Design issued by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-rural Development function to guide different cities to develop their pedestrian and bicycle transportation systems. Based on the Guideline, this paper investigates the development of the pedestrian and bicycle transportation system. The paper first discusses the current issues in the pedestrian and bicycle transportation of China from three aspects: functionalities, technical standards and connection with other modes of transportation. The Guideline clarifies the functionalities of developing the pedestrian and bicycle transportation system and proposes the overall principle of “integrated design of people’s activity space”. Finally, centered on the four core elements – “network, space, environment and connection”, the paper elaborates the integrated planning and design method for the pedestrian and bicycle transportation system.

Keywords: pedestrian and bicycle transportation; planning and design; guideline; network; space; environment; connection