2014年 第5期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2014)05-0054-06


摘要: 中国城市道路交叉口规划设计、控制管理普遍采用简单化处理方法,导致交通运行中的诸多 问题。面向中国城市交叉口交通组成复杂、交通行为随意性和不确定性高的特点,指出有必要突破 传统观念,区别化、具体化、人性化地处理交叉口各向、各类交通流,从而提高交通安全和运行效 率。以交通岛以及导行线的设计为例,探讨交叉口规划设计的精细化。围绕通行能力校验和信号控 制分析,阐述交叉口精细化控制管理的基本内容。最后,以四川省眉山市某交叉口为例,阐述复杂 交叉口精细化处理的基本思路和设计要点。

关键词: 城市道路;交叉口;精细化;规划设计;控制管理

中图分类号: :U491


Detailed Planning, Design and Travel Control for Urban Intersections

Li Keping, Ni Ying
(Department of Traffic Engineering, School of Transportation Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China)

Abstract: The current methods used in urban intersection planning and design in China are too simple to handle the complicated traffic flows, which has resulted many traffic operation problems. Confronted with complicated, highly random and uncertain traffic flow characteristics at intersections, there is an urgent need to improve intersection design methods in China. The new methods must abandon the old one-size-fitall concept, recognize specific characteristics at each individual location, and provide the user-oriented design details on how to guide all traffic flows efficiently and safely. Using a traffic island and pavement marking design as a case study, this paper discusses the detailed planning at intersections. Focusing on capacity analysis and signal control design, the paper illustrates the basic contents of intersection traffic control and management in detail. Finally, taking an intersection in Meishan, Sichuan as an example, the paper discusses the principles and key elements for detailed planning and control of complex intersections.

Keywords: urban roadway; intersections; refinement; control and management