2015年 第1期
基于路权分配的自行车道改造规划设计探 讨——以温州市区为例

文章编号: 1672-5328(2015)01-0046-06


摘要: 随着机动车交通负面影响的逐步扩大以及绿色出行理念的日渐兴起,市民出行方式开始向步 行和自行车交通回归,亟须研究如何合理分配路权以指导自行车道改造。首先指出温州市现阶段自 行车道存在空间规模不足、占用现象严重、管理理念尚未转变等突出问题。提出自行车道改造规划 设计应遵循的原则以及对横断面空间的要求。最后,基于路权分配阐述自行车道与机动车道、人行 道、公共汽车站以及路内停车的关系及处理方式,通过对道路空间进行再分配指导自行车道改造实践。

关键词: 道路改造;自行车道;规划设计;路权;机动车;温州

中图分类号: U412.37


Planning and Design for Bicycle Lane Improvement Based on Right-of-way Allocation: Wenzhou Example

Yang Jiebang1, Zeng Kangqiong2, Li Jin1
(1.Wenzhou Urban Planning & Design Institute, Wenzhou Zhejiang 325027, China; 2.Chongqing Transport Planning Institute, Chongqing 400020, China)

Abstract: As the negative effect of motorized transportation becomes widely recognized and the green travel concept gains the popularity, citizens have started to choose the old travel modes -walking and bicycling. Thus, it is necessary to establish the appropriate right- of-way allocation for bicycle lane improvement. This paper first describes the existing problems in Wenzhou such as insufficient bike lane space, motorized vehicles occupying bicycle lane and outdated management philosophy. Then the paper proposes the principles of bicycle lanes improvement planning and design, as well as the requirements on cross-section space. Finally, by discussing the relationship between bicycle lanes and other facilities such as vehicle travel lanes, sidewalk, bus stops and on-street parking, the paper illustrates the right-of-way allocation to guide bicycle lane improvement.

Keywords: roadway upgrading; bicycle lane; planning and design; right-of-way; vehicle;Wenzhou