2015年 第2期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2015)02-0001-04


摘要: “打车软件”、“预约专车”互联网技术在出租汽车行业的出现,使得长期存在的乘客打车 难、非法营运屡禁不绝等矛盾更加突出,进而引发出租汽车行业是否具有垄断性、是否暴利收费等 问题的讨论。为使出租汽车行业向更加安全、有效、公平、健康的方向发展,从综合交通体系的角 度,围绕出租汽车运营模式、服务水准和行业管理三个方面的变革趋势进行分析。针对现状问题提 出建议:一是出租汽车兼具公共交通与私人小汽车的双重属性,运营模式应多元化;二是服务应借 助互联网技术,消除乘客等车与出租汽车寻客双向排队的盲目性;三是行业管理应实行法制化运 作,协调乘客、驾驶人、企业等各方利益。

关键词: 出租汽车;运营模式;互联网技术;行业管理

中图分类号: U491


Taxi Operation Reform Trend in an Era of Internet

Lu Ximing, Liu Mingshu
(Shanghai Comprehensive Transportation Planning Institute, Shanghai 200040, China)

Abstract: The emergence of “taxi booking apps” and “taxi reservation service” has worsened the long-standing problems in hard-to-get taxi service and uncontrollable illegal taxi operations. These problems trigger discussions on whether the taxi industry is a monopolistic industry and reaps the exorbitant profits by charging the excessive fees. To promote taxi industry development in a safe, more effective, fair and healthy way, this paper discusses the reform trend of taxi industry in three aspects: operation system, service level, and industry management in concert with a comprehensive transportation system. To reach that objective, the paper suggests that the taxi operation be diversified considering its dual roles in public transit and private car, fully utilizes internet technology to eliminate the uncertainties from both passengers and taxi providers, and be standardized in accordance with the law that benefits all stakeholders including passengers, drivers and industry.

Keywords: taxi; operation system; Internet technology; industry management