2015年 第5期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2015)05-0015-09


摘要: 随着中国新一代高铁枢纽的陆续建成,简单的站前广场换乘模式逐渐让位于全天候、无障 碍、人车分行的换乘空间接驳模式。新型枢纽的空间特征、核心价值与局限性亟待总结。基于国内 外铁路客运枢纽发展历史与背景的研究,将铁路客运枢纽按照空间特征分为三种类型:传统铁路客 运站、铁路交通综合体和客站城市综合体。从客流需求变化、城市发展背景、运营管理差异三方面 详细分析国内外铁路客运枢纽空间模式选择的影响因素。结合中国高铁建设机制的变迁,提出未来 中国铁路客运枢纽的发展方向:大城市高铁枢纽应强化与城市空间的衔接,加强与城市商业功能的 有机结合,由铁路交通综合体向客站城市综合体转型;中小城市高铁枢纽应采取更加灵活、集约、 经济的形式,谋求特色产业与枢纽交通功能的结合。

关键词: 铁路客运枢纽;高速铁路;换乘空间;铁路交通综合体;客站城市综合体;建设运营体制

中图分类号: U491


A Review of Railway Terminals Development in China

Wang Hao, Ni Jian, Yin Guangtao
(China Academy of Urban Planning & Design, Beijing 100037, China)

Abstract: With new high-speed railway terminals being built in China, the simple conventional passenger transfer pattern taking place at public square in front of stations has been gradually replaced by all weather, 24/7, and disabled accessible new transfer facilities that separates passengers' movement from vehicles. It is time to summarize the spatial characteristics, core values and limitations of the new terminals. Based on the studies on the historical development of railway terminals both at home and abroad, the paper divides railway terminals into three categories considering their spatial characteristics: traditional railway stations, railway only transfer facilities, and comprehensive urban passenger transfer station complex. Factors affecting railway terminals spatial development are discussed in three aspects: change in passenger demands, urban development background, and differences in operation and management. Based on the change of railway construction the paper provides suggestions on future development of railway terminals in China. High-speed railway terminals in large cities should strengthen the connection with urban land use development and commercial functions and change from railway transfer only to comprehensive urban passenger station complexes. High-speed railway terminals in small and medium-sized cities should focus on the integration between local industries and transport functions of terminals providing more flexible, intensive and economic services.

Keywords: railway terminals; high-speed railway; transfer space; railway only transfer facilities; comprehensive urban passenger transfer station complex; construction and operation mechanism