2015年 第5期
轨道交通车站交通设施衔接及周边用地规 划探索——以西安市为例

文章编号: 1672-5328(2015)05-0051-08


摘要: 随着西安市轨道交通线路的建设通车,车站周边交通设施设置、用地功能组织、建设资金筹 措等问题逐渐凸显。如何实现城市轨道交通与城市的协调发展成为亟须解决的问题。针对西安市轨 道交通已建线路及车站在建设及运行中存在的具体问题,探讨优化轨道交通沿线交通设施及车站周 边用地的规划策略。以轨道交通4,5,6 号线及市域轨道交通临潼线为例,确定车站周边800 m为 研究范围,将涉及的88 个车站划分为枢纽站、区域中心站、换乘接驳站和一般站。提出交通设施 衔接控制导则、车站周边用地优化整合模式、各类车站地下空间开发利用控制要求,以及车站周边 用地开发强度等具体策略。

关键词: 轨道交通;车站;交通设施;用地优化;地下空间利用

中图分类号: U491.1+2


Connection Facilities and Land Use Planning at Rail Transit Stations: A Case Study in Xi'an

Lyu Xianghua
(Xi'an City Planning Design and Research Institute, Xi'an Shanxi 710082, China)

Abstract: As Xi'an rail transit system in operation, many problems have been gradually emerged in transportation facilities, land use development in the vicinity of station area, and construction fund raising. It is urgent to promote coordinated development between urban rail transit and urban area. Aiming at the existing problems of rail transit lines during construction and operation in Xi'an, this paper discusses the planning strategies for transportation facilities connection and land use development in the vicinity of station area. Taking rail transit line 4, 5, and 6 as well as metropolitan rail transit Lintong Line as examples, the paper groups 88 stations in 800 m surrounding area into four categories: transit terminals, regional central stations, transfer stations and regular stations. The paper puts forward strategies for transportation facilities connection and land use control, land use integration in the vicinity of station area, underground space development and utilization at different stations, and intensity of surrounding land use development.

Keywords: rail transit; stations; transportation facilities; land use optimization; underground space utilization