2016年 第2期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2016)02-0001-09


摘要: 结合统计数据的量化分析对判断路网密度及作用具有重要意义。从路网模式、车流特性及信 号控制、交通拥堵三个层面阐述路网密度提升对促进公共汽车交通发展的作用机理。基于2007— 2010 年《中国统计年鉴》相关数据,量化分析路网密度与公交客运密度的关系以及路网密度对交通 结构的影响,从宏观层面验证路网加密对公共汽车交通发展的促进作用。最后,结合旧金山、香 港、首尔等城市路网案例,进一步指出借助路网加密促进公共汽车交通发展,不仅需要城市干路体 系的支持,更需要城市支路体系的支持。

关键词: 路网密度;路网模式;公共汽车;交通结构;支路

中图分类号: U491


Impact of Road Network Density on Promoting Bus Traffic Development

Cai Jun, Lu Xiaodong
(School of Architecture & Fine Art, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian Liaoning 116024, China)

Abstract: Quantitative analysis with statistical data is important to estimate road network density and evaluate its functions. Elaborates the impacts of road network density to bus traffic development in the aspects of traffic network features, flow patterns and traffic signal control as well as traffic congestion. Using data from Chinese statistical Yearbook (2007—2010), the paper analyzes the relationship between road network density and bus ridership density, and the impact of road network density on transport patterns. It also verifies a positive impact of increasing road network density to promote bus traffic development at macro scope. Finally, by discovering cases of San Francisco, Hong Kong, and Seoul, the paper further highlights a critical role of enhancing collector and local road network density in boosting bus traffic development.

Keywords: road network density; road network modes; bus; traffic structure; collector and local road