2016年 第4期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2016)04-0040-06


摘要: 随着城市机动化水平的不断提高,中国大中型城市已出现严重的停车供需矛盾,停车难随之 成为城市交通中亟待解决的问题。英国纽卡斯尔市在停车管理方面进行了长期摸索与系统的方案设 计,已形成具有城市特色并行之有效的停车管理策略。详细阐述纽卡斯尔市在停车政策法规、差别 化停车供应和收费政策、管理与保障措施、停车换乘系统,以及停车诱导信息系统方面的实践和 经验。结合中国城市停车现状,提出停车规范化、收费标准化、管理差别化、共享停车等停车管理 建议。同时,应构建以人为本的停车配建理念,推动新能源汽车发展。

关键词: 停车管理;停车政策;停车收费;停车换乘;停车共享;纽卡斯尔

中图分类号: U491.7


Learning Lessons from Parking Management Strategy of Newcastle

Ji Yanjie, Han Jing,WangWei
(School of Transportation, Southeast University, Nanjing Jiangsu 210096, China)

Abstract: With the rapid development of urban motorization in China, the contradiction between parking supply and demand turns to be a bottleneck within urban transportation. Newcastle upon Tyne, England, has been concentrated in developing an effective urban parking strategy which is able to effectively content with local parking problems. To learn from such a successful case, this paper introduces Newcastle experience, including detailed parking policies and regulations, differentiated supply and charging policy, management and safeguard measures, park & ride system, and parking guidance system. Moreover, a couple of suggestions are proposed to fight with parking problems in China, namely, parking regulations, standardization of charging, differentiated management and parking sharing. Finally, the paper also advocate a userfriendly parking policy as well as promoting the development of new energy vehicles.

Keywords: parking management; parking policy; charging; park & ride; parking sharing; Newcastle upon Tyne, England