2017年 第6期
老城风貌保护与基础设施建设更新的融合 ——北京老城北新华街北段道路改造实践

文章编号: 1672-5328(2017)06-0042-09

(1.北京华融基础设施投资有限责任公司,北京100035;2.北京市市政专业设计院股份公司,北京100037;3.北 京建工建筑设计研究院,北京100044)

摘要: 依托北京市西城区北新华街北段道路改造项目,探讨老城道路改造与风貌保护之间的关系。 紧密结合当前北京市的发展政策,在道路改造实践中进行风貌保护评估及论证工作。充分结合现状 道路两侧用地、院落、建筑、树木以及道路功能,对原有道路规划宽度进行调整,提出与老城风貌 保护有机结合并可实施的道路设计方案。同时,充分体现以人为本的出行理念,打造绿色出行环 境。实施过程中与政府主管部门一同研究探讨,完成风貌保护、道路设计、专家论证、发展政策、 方案批复等关键环节的综合,形成了此类项目较为合理的设计审批流程。

关键词: 老城保护;风貌保护;道路改造;道路横断面;方案设计

中图分类号: U491.1+2


Integration of Old Town Preservation with Infrastructure Renewal and Construction: A Case Study in Roadway Upgrading in the North Section of Beixinhua Street in Old Town of Beijing

Ma Haihong1, Song Peixin1, Zhang Xin2, Ni Yue3
(1.Beijing HuaRong Infrastructure Investment Co., Ltd., Beijing 100035, China; 2.Beijing Municipal Engineering Professional Design Institute Co., Ltd., Beijing 100037, China; 3.Beijing JianGong Building Design and Research Institute, Beijing 100044, China)

Abstract: The paper discusses the relationship of roadway upgrading with culture preservation in old town by referring to the roadway upgrading project of the north section of Beixinhua Street in Xicheng District in Beijing. Tight coupling with current development policies, the culture preservation assessment is applied in roadway upgrading. By analyzing the functionalities of land use, courtyards, buildings, and trees along the street, this paper proposes a practicable roadway design plan which adjusts the original roadway planning width in coordinating with old town preservation. The scenario is also helpful in developing a green travel environment with full consideration of the needs of users. By integrating such key procedures as culture preservation, roadway design, expert discussion, development policies, and program approval during the implementation of the plan, and with the coordination of government authorities, the paper summarizes a reasonable design approval process for this kind of project.

Keywords: old town preservation; culture preservation; roadway upgrading; roadway cross section; scenario design