2017年 第6期
公共交通经营规制沿革与启示 ——以深圳市公共汽车40 年发展历程为例

文章编号: 1672-5328(2017)06-0063-10

周华庆1, 2,杨家文2

摘要: 提供高效、公平的城市公共交通服务是各国政府进行公共交通规制改革的目的之一。首先梳 理管制、放松管制和竞争性招标三种公共交通规制模式的特征和优缺点。从市场准入机制、票制票 价与财政补贴体系、经营权三个维度分析深圳市公共汽车40 年的改革历程。总结深圳市公共汽车 改革经历了从国有国营到市场化改革再到国有化回潮三个主要阶段的演变。从政府参与公共汽车企 业经营的程度、公共汽车市场的竞争程度、政府在公共汽车行业职能缺位三个视角提出对中国城市 公共汽车规制的思考。

关键词: 交通政策;公共汽车;经营规制;市场化改革;深圳市

中图分类号: U491.1+7


Management and Regulation on Public Transit: Taking 40-year Bus Development in Shenzhen as an Example

Zhou Huaqing1, 2, Yang Jiawen2
(1. College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China; 2. School of Urban Planning and Design, Peking University, Shenzhen Guangdong 518055, China)

Abstract: Providing efficient and fair urban public transit service is one of the purposes of public transit regulation reform carried out by governments in different countries. This paper first summarizes the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of three public transit regulation modes: control, loosening control and competitive bidding. The paper analyzes the 40-year reform process of bus regulation in Shenzhen in three aspects: market access mechanism, fare system and financial subsidy system, as well as operation right. There were three major stages of the bus development in Shenzhen: a state-owned system underwent market-oriented reformation, then there was a resurgence of state ownership. The paper puts forward some thoughts on the bus regulation of cities in China from the perspectives of the degree of government's participation in the operation of bus companies, the degree of competition in the bus market, and the insufficiency of government management on bus industry.

Keywords: transportation policies; bus; management and regulation; market-oriented reform; Shenzhen