2018年 第4期
美国TOD 模式的演变、分类与启示

文章编号: 1672-5328(2018)04-0034-09


摘要: 在TOD诞生和发展的20 余年间,其意义、目标和模型发生了重大转变。分析TOD在美国的 演进、分类和设计原则,对TOD中国化的理论架构与发展具有参考价值。通过对美国TOD模式分 时期、分类型比较与案例研究,得出不同类型TOD具有社区中心的向心与分散性差异、可持续的 发展定位、区位效率与场所塑造并重等特征。最后,总结绿色TOD交通走廊、自下而上开发与政 策引导相结合、以郊区为TOD发展重点、小街区密路网等发展趋势供中国TOD规划开发借鉴。

关键词: 城市规划;TOD模式;美国;演变;分类

中图分类号: TU984


The Evolution, Classification and Enlightenment of TOD Models in the U.S

Hu Yingdong, Tao Shuai
(School of Architecture and Design, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China)

Abstract: Over 20 years of birth and development, the significance, goals and models of TOD have changed significantly. It is necessary to analyze the evolution, classification and design principles of TOD in the U.S. to promote theoretical framework development of TOD in China. Through the comparison and case study of the TOD models in different periods in the U.S., this paper concludes that different types of TOD have the characteristics of centripetal and dispersive differences in community centers, sustainable development orientation, location efficiency and place shaping, etc. Finally, the paper summarizes the development trend of green TOD traffic corridor, the combination of bottom-up development and policy guidance, the suburban TOD development, and the small street network. Those efforts aim to provide inspiration for the TOD planning and development in China.

Keywords: urban planning; TOD; United State; evolution; classification