2018年 第5期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2018)05-0019-05


摘要: 结合《城市轨道交通线网规划标准》(GB/T 50546—2018)的修订背景,阐述了该标准修订的 主要内容,以及车厢舒适度评价体系、城市轨道交通设施供给水平、城市轨道交通规划建设用地控 制指标等创新点。重点解读交通需求预测模型的精度要求、城市轨道交通系统的服务水平、线网与 城市空间功能结构的协调性、城市轨道交通快线的客流门槛,以及快线、普线共走廊的技术要求等 11 个方面的特色内容。该标准突出了针对乘客服务的技术要求,提出一系列定量技术指标,便于执 行和操作。

关键词: 城市轨道交通;线网规划;标准;要点解读

中图分类号: U491.1+2


Key Points of Standard for Urban Rail Transit Network Planning

Li Fengjun, Han Huimin
(China Academy of Urban Planning & Design, Beijing 100037, China)

Abstract: Based on the background of adjustment of Standard for Urban Rail Transit Network (GB/T 50546—2018), this paper illustrates the main adjusted contents of the standard and the innovative new elements such as the evaluation system for passenger comfort, supply level of service of urban rail transit facility and the land use control indexes in urban rail transit planning and construction. The paper explains the accuracy requirement for travel demand forecasting model, level of service of urban rail transit system, coordination between rail transit network and urban spatial structure, passenger flow threshold of express rail transit lines, and technical requirements for the shared corridor of both express and regular lines and other special contents in totally 11 aspects. The paper states that the new adjusted standard emphasizes the passenger service through the technical criteria with a series of quantitative indicators, which makes it easier for implementation.

Keywords: urban rail transit; network planning; standard; discussion of key points