2018年 第6期
面向街道的步行与骑行环境评估 ——以天津市为例

文章编号: 1672-5328(2018)06-0043-11

曹哲静1, 2,辜培钦3,韩治远3,姜洋1, 3
(1.宇恒可持续交通研究中心,北京100020;2.清华大学建筑学院,北京100084;3. 北京数城未来科技有限公 司,北京100004)

摘要: 开展面向街道的步行与骑行环境评估对发展绿色交通具有重要意义。建立针对便捷、安全和 舒适三个维度的步行与骑行环境指标体系,进而构建街道尺度的步行指数和骑行指数。以天津市为 例,对中心城区1 569 km道路开展实证研究,并结合7 个住宅小区的居民出行调查数据进行相关性 分析。研究发现:天津市中心城区步行环境整体优于骑行环境;街道的步行指数和骑行指数均呈现 随城市不同发展阶段由中心向外围递减的趋势,其中便捷性指数递减趋势最为明显,安全性指数次 之。步行指数与小区居民步行出行分担率显著正相关,而骑行指数与自行车出行分担率相关性不显 著。最后,对天津市步行和骑行环境改善提出政策建议。

关键词: 街道;评估;步行指数;骑行指数;天津市

中图分类号: U491


Evaluation of Street Walkability and Bikeability: A Case Study of Tianjin

Cao Zhejing1, 2, Gu Peiqin3, Han Zhiyuan3, Jiang Yang1, 3
(1.China Sustainable Transportation Center, Beijing 100020, China; 2.School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China; 3.Beijing CityDNA Technology Co,. Ltd., Beijing 100004, China)

Abstract: It is necessary to evaluate street walkability and bikeablity for green transportation development. This paper proposes an evaluation system for walking and cycling environment based on the convenience, safety and comfortableness and develops the street walkability and bikeability indexes. Taking Tianjin as an example, the paper evaluates the 1,569 kilometer roadways in the urban central district and conducts correlation analysis with household travel survey data of seven residential communities. The results show that walking environment in Tianjin central district is generally better than cycling environment. Walkability index and bikeability index decrease from the central district to suburban district as the city going through different development stages. The degree of convenience declines the most followed by the safety. Walkability index has a positive and significant correlation with residents' travel mode share of walking, while bikeability index has no significant impact on travel by bike. Finally, the paper provides suggestions on how to improve walking and cycling environment in Tianjin.

Keywords: street; evaluation; walkability index; bikeablity index; Tianjin