2018年 第6期
BRT 与郊区常规公共汽车线路衔接优化 ——以金华市为例

文章编号: 1672-5328(2018)06-0064-11


摘要: 城乡公共交通的一体化是城乡统筹的重要内容和有效工具。BRT的开通和郊区常规公共汽车 线路的相应调整为II 型大城市的交通转型提供了重要基础。在对比封闭式BRT和开放式BRT运营模 式的基础上,提出单站双零换乘模式。以金华市BRT1 号线与郊区常规公共汽车326 路的实践为 例,从环境效益、费用感知、交通方式的选择概率、时耗感知等方面,剖析实践中的现存问题。 然后,从交通的供给侧改革和需求侧调控两个层面提出改进建议:前者包括换乘站环境优化设计、 客流需求导向的灵活运营,后者包括公交走廊沿线的交通需求管理、依托城市边缘区的换乘枢纽塑 造公共生活次中心等。最后,对双零换乘站的选址、设计、通行能力和服务水平测算给出一般性建 议。单站双零换乘的公交衔接模式和“BRT引导、枢纽支撑”的空间发展模式能为II 型大城市增长 提供更为优化的路径。

关键词: 公共交通;双零换乘;BRT;郊区常规公共汽车;II 型大城市

中图分类号: U491.1+7


Connection Between Bus Rapid Transit Lines and Suburban Bus Lines: A Case Study of Jinhua City

Gong Dijia1, Pan Haixiao2
(1.Department of Urban and Rural Planning, Zhejiang Normal University, 321004; 2.Department of Urban Planning, Tongji University, 200092)

Abstract: The integration of urban-rural public transit is a core element and an effective tool for balancing urban and rural development. An integrated optimization of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) and suburban bus lines provide a basis for the transportation reform in the Tier II cities. By comparing the exclusive lanebased and open operated- based modes of BRT, this paper proposes a transfer mode named “dual- zero transfer” at single station. Taking the connection between BRT line 1 and suburban bus line 326 in Jinhua city as an example, the paper discusses existing problems, including environmental benefit, fare perception, mode choice, and time value perception. The paper provides suggestion on supply-side reform and demand- side control in transportation development. At the supply-side reform level, the paper emphasizes environment- friendly design for transfer station and a demand responsive operation. At the demand-side control level, the strategies includes travel demand management along transit corridors and the build- up of public life sub-center supported by terminals in suburban areas. Finally, several suggestions on location, design, capacity, and level of service evaluation on “dual- zero transfer” station are proposed. The paper points out that the “dual- zero transfer” mode and “BRT orientated development and terminals support” can provide a better path for the development of Tier II cities.

Keywords: public transit; dual-zero transfer; Bus Rapid Transit; suburban conventional bus; Tier II cities