2019年 第2期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2019)02-0049-05


摘要: 北京老城道路现状存在不够人性化、与老城风貌不符等问题,需要逐步进行改造更新。在预 判老城交通及城市道路更新趋势的基础上,结合北京城市道路规划设计及审批中存在的问题,提出 老城编制道路提升规划的必要性;并以东门仓胡同的规划提升为例,从规划理念的转变、道路功能 的重新定位、道路空间的重新分配、评价指标多元化等方面进行论述。规划编制只是道路提升的第 一步,后续还需要从广泛的公众参与、街道维护、监管评价等多方面努力。

关键词: 交通规划;老城;保护与更新;道路提升;北京市

中图分类号: U491.1+2


Road Improvement Planning in Beijing's Old City Renewal

Peng Min, Gai Chunying
(Beijing Municipal Institute of City Planning & Design, Beijing 100045, China)

Abstract: Because the roads in the old city of Beijing are not user-friendly and incompatible with the old town cultures, it is necessary to renovate the road system step by step. Considering the existing problems in Beijing urban roads' planning and approval processes, this paper proposes the upgrading old town roadway plans based on the anticipated future traffic in old town and the trend of urban roadway renewal. Taking Dongmencang Hutong as an example, the paper discusses the changes of planning concept, redefining road functionality, redistributing road space, the diversification of evaluation index, and etc. The paper stresses that road planning is only the first step in road improvement, which will be followed by extensive public participation, road maintenance, regular management and evaluation effort.

Keywords: transportation planning; Beijing old city; protection and renewal; road improvement; Beijing