2020年 第3期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2020)03-0080-08

李晔1, 2,刘兴华1,何青3
(1. 同济大学道路与交通工程教育部重点实验室,上海201804;2. 上海师范大学,上海200234;3. 北京市城市规 划设计研究院,北京100045)

摘要: 突发公共卫生事件正逐步成为全球经济与安全的最大风险之一,城市交通系统必须具备韧性 才能应对挑战。首先根据突发公共卫生事件疫情特征,将城市交通系统的经历过程分为5 个阶段: 平时阶段、疫情潜伏阶段、疫情暴发阶段、后疫情阶段和恢复提升阶段。通过对各个阶段下的疫情 特征、城市交通供给及需求的差异性进行分析,提出支持状态有效切换的韧性城市交通系统特征, 包括动态性、易达性、多样性、智慧性和资源性,这是提升城市交通系统防疫性能及城市免疫力的 核心。最后,针对各个阶段的差异性给出城市防疫交通系统韧性提升策略。

关键词: 城市交通;突发公共卫生事件;疫情;韧性;提升策略

中图分类号: U491


Urban Transportation System Resilience During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Li Ye1, 2, Liu Xinghua1, He Qing3
(1.The Key Laboratory of Road and Traffic Engineering, Ministry of Education, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China; 2.Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China; 3. Beijing Municipal Institute of City Planning & Design, Beijing 100045, China)

Abstract: Public health emergency is becoming one of the greatest threats to global economy and security. Urban transportation systems must be resilient to meet the challenges. Based on the characteristics of public health emergencies, this paper dissects the operation of urban transportation system during epidemic into five stages - normal stage, virus incubation stage, outbreak stage, post- epidemic stage and recovery stage. Through analyzing the epidemic characteristics and urban transportation supply and demand at different stages, the paper discusses the resilient transportation system's dynamic, accessible, diversified, smart and resourceful qualities, which are the key to improve an urban transportation system and city's ability to control the public health emergency. Finally, the paper proposes how to improve urban transportation system resilience in different pandemic stages.

Keywords: urban transportation; public health emergencies; epidemic; resilience; improvement strategies