2020年 第3期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2020)03-0097-06


摘要: 交通运输系统是西部陆海新通道为实现中国与东南亚地区互联互通、经贸合作的基础和支 撑。通过分析西部陆海新通道运输需求,梳理了现阶段交通运输基础设施存在运输通道瓶颈制约、 集疏运设施建设不足、物流枢纽缺乏统筹规划等问题。提出交通运输系统发展策略:一是贯通交通 运输通道,尽快打通并提升通道干线铁路、适时推进境内外交通基础设施互联互通;二是完善物流 枢纽体系,包括明确枢纽定位和功能,加强集疏运设施建设,统筹交通枢纽、物流枢纽、产业园区 空间布局;三是提高运输服务水平,包括口岸通关便利化,运输组织精细化,运输方式协同化。最 后,提出构建“通道+枢纽+服务”物流体系,并对西部陆海新通道交通网络建设提出具体的实施建议。

关键词: 交通规划;运输通道;枢纽体系;服务水平;西部陆海新通道

中图分类号: U491


Transportation System Development Strategies of the New Western Land-Sea Corridor

Yue Yang
(CAUPD Planning & Design Consultants Co., Beijing 100044, China)

Abstract: The transportation system is the foundation for the connection and trade cooperation between China and Southeast Asia. Based on the transportation demand of the New Western Land-Sea Corridor, this paper analyzes the problems existing in transportation infrastructure facilities, such as restriction of transportation corridors, insufficient collection and distribution facilities, lack of overall planning of logistics hubs, and etc. The paper puts forward development strategies of transportation system. Firstly, the transportation corridor should be connected with arterial railway system's improvement, so as to promote the connectivity of domestic and foreign transportation facilities. Secondly, the logistics hub system should be strengthened, including identifying the functionalities of the hub, strengthening the construction of collection and distribution facilities, and coordinating the spatial layout of transportation hubs, logistics hubs and industrial parks. Thirdly, the level of service of transportation should be improved, including the convenient customs clearance, detailed transportation organization, and multimodal transportation coordination. Finally, the paper proposes a “corridor + hub + service” logistics system along with transportation network strategies of the NewWestern Land-Sea Corridor.

Keywords: transportation planning; transportation corridor; hub system; level of service; the New Western Land-Sea Corridor