2020年 第3期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2020)03-0119-08


摘要: 为定量研究设置路内停车引起的路段机动车交通流延误,将延误的产生阶段划分为减速驶入 和加速驶离路内停车路段以及低速行驶在路内停车路段3 个阶段。根据车辆到达路内停车路段是否 相互影响,以一幅路双向两车道道路为研究对象,分别应用排队理论和交通波理论,构建以速度、 密度为主要参数的阻滞延误模型,且将机动车驶经路内停车路段时是否有车辆进出路内停车位这两 种情况分开考虑。分别计算机动车仅与非机动车发生冲突时导致的延误,机动车与非机动车和停放 车辆同时发生冲突时由车辆进出停车位诱增的延误。在此基础上,通过实测数据先后建立相应的速 度—流量模型和速度—密度模型对阻滞延误模型的参数进行标定。最后通过应用算例验证模型的可 行性。

关键词: 交通管理;路内停车;排队理论;交通波理论;延误

中图分类号: U491.3


Block Delay Model Under the Influence of On-Street Parking in Two-Way Two-Lane Road

Pei Yulong, Yang Yuanfan
(School of Traffic and Transportation, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin Heilongjiang 150040, China)

Abstract: In order to quantitatively study the delay of motorized vehicles caused by on-street parking, this paper divides the generation of the delay into three stages, named as decelerate entering, accelerate departing, and lower speed driving in the on-street parking segment. In light of whether the vehicles arrive on the segment with on-street parking were influenced each other, taking a two-way two-lane road as an example, the paper develops block delay models with speed and density as the main parameters using the theory of queuing and traffic wave respectively. Meanwhile, the paper considers whether there were vehicles drive into or pull out of parking space when vehicles drove through the parking segment. Separately, the paper calculates the delay induced by the conflict between motorized vehicles and non-motorized vehicles, and the delay induced by vehicles entering and leaving the parking segment when the conflict occurs among the motorized vehicles, non-motorized vehicles, and parking vehicles. On this basis, the corresponding velocity- flow model and velocity- density model are established to calibrate the parameters of block delay model through the measured data. Finally, the applicability of the models is demonstrated through example application.

Keywords: traffic management; on-street parking; queuing theory; traffic wave theory; delay