2020年 第4期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2020)04-0022-08


摘要: 作为缓解交通拥堵的有效手段,发展公共交通已经在大城市中得到有效落实。然而,小城市 在经济发展水平、用地功能布局、城市规模与交通投资能力上与大城市有着显著区别,加之小汽车 与网约车行业的冲击,导致公共汽车交通竞争力一直处于较低水平。在研究浙江省小城市公共交通 发展现状的基础上,从改革模式、加强限制、提升服务、经济政策四个方面提出公共汽车交通竞争 力的提升策略。同时,探讨公共交通企业国有化改革与免费公共汽车政策在小城市实施的可行性。

关键词: 公共交通;小城市;竞争力;公共交通改革;免费公共汽车;浙江省

中图分类号: U491.1+7


IBus Competitiveness in Small Cities of Zhejiang Province

Gao Ang, Sheng Fei, Zhu Xiaokang, Zhang Lei
(Zhejiang Urban & Rural Planning Design Institute, Hangzhou Zhejiang 310030, China)

Abstract: As an effective means to alleviate traffic congestion, prioritizing public transportation development has been successfully implemented in large cities. However, the bus service in small cities has not been competitive due to the significant gap between small cities and large cities in economic development, functional layout of land use, city size and transportation investment, as well as the impact of private cars and ride-sharing industry. By reviewing the existing development of public transportation in small cities of Zhejiang Province, this paper proposes strategies for improving the competitiveness of public bus service in several aspects: reforming the business model, strengthening the restrictions, improving level of services, and promoting the economic policies. Finally, the paper discusses the feasibility of reforming the state-owned public transportation operating companies and free of charge service in small cities.

Keywords: public transportation; small cities; competitiveness; public transportation reform; free of charge bus service ; Zhejiang Province