2011年 第6期


Brian D. Taylor1 著,邵 玲2 译
(1.加州大学洛杉矶分校城市规划系,洛杉矶90095,美国;2.同济大学建筑与城市规划学院,上海 200092)





Rethinking Traffic Congestion

Written by Brian D. Taylor1, Translated by SHAO Ling2
(1. Department of Urban Planning, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles 90095, USA; 2. College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China)

Abstract:Through reflective thinking about traffic congestion, this paper states that traffic congestion is inevitable for vibrant and successful cities, and should be viewed in a different perspective. Thus, ten propositions that challenge conventional ideas are proposed by the paper  which include: mobility is essential to metropolitan life; traffic congestion signalizes a city’s social and economic vitality; capacity expansion is short-lived to eliminate congestion, and induces latent traffic demand, but it may still bring significant social and economic benefit by accommodating more activity; changing travel behavior through land use development is a very long-term endeavor; compact development increases congestion; the best way to get more people to walk and utilize public transit is to make car commuting less attractive (low speed, not reliable and costly); without any pricing policy to discourage car use, the best way to combat traffic congestion may come from the development that favorable for car commuting. Finally, the paper points out that road and parking pricing probably offer the best opportunities for reducing congestion over a longer term, and for any development strategies, congestion reduction is just one of many objectives.

Keywords:urban transportation; rethinking traffic congestion; mobility; travel behavior; capacity expansion; land use patterns; compact development